~♥ My World..My Life ♥~

Thursday, June 3, 2010

♥ Crazy & Blessed Life ♥

I am enjoying my summer vacation and as of this afternoon my kids will be on summer vacation also.I can not wait we have so much that we plain on doing....beach, picnics, parks, cookouts its going to be so much fun!!!!Only thing I am not looking forward to is in August I will be closing my daycare doors after 10 years :( so I am making this the funnest summer for all the kids! Besides having fun with my family and all the kids I also have a lot to do with the fire department and helping my mom.

My mom just had knee replacement surgery on June 1st. I know it is an easy procedure but for my mom it was high risk due to all her medical problems and the medication she is on. They kept her on her blood thinners up to the day of her surgery ( not only was she on pills but also shots) her surgery and recovery was faster then they thought but once she was in her room they had a hard time keeping her blood pressure down so yesterday they put her on high dosages of blood pressure medication to lower it (it was 189/99) when they got her up to walk it was hard for her do she said her legs just didn't want to work but she did take two steps ( so proud of her).Putting her in God's hands and I know that she will recover fine.

Its taking a toll on me between trying to keep up with everything in the house, daycare, meetings at the fire department and all that they are doing, my kids sports and practices, and taking care of my mom and cleaning her house. I pray for strength to get everything done that needs to done and do it all with a loving heart but I am getting tested by sister and sometimes my step-dad. They are always throwing it in my face that my sister takes my mom everywhere...to her doctor appointments, store, where ever she has to go, and they act like I do nothing for her. I go to her house with my kids and do the yard work, clean the house, do her running around when she asks. I do all this and everything I have to do in my life....kids sports, clean, cook, school, study, practice, meetings.I understand my sister works too but at night and that is it her schedule isn't nearly as busy as mine and when she does do things and take mom places she asks like she is only doing it to get the "perfect daughter award" when you should be doing it because she is your mom! I just wish they would see I do just as much as my sister and I don't even want anything in return for doing it.

I guess all I can do is pray for strength and the ability to forgive. To leave everything in the past and to move on and to love unconditionally and know what I am doing is my best and God knows that and those that hurt me and my family and cause drama will have to meet their judgment in the end and the only thing I can do is leave everything with God & to forgive.

* I am going to update this more...sometimes it'll short but im updating:) *

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